Understanding Social Security and Retirement Income Planning

Event Date : 07-May-2024

Price : $0

Instructor:Shahzad Ali

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Venue : Veterans Memorial Community Center , 101 North Pavilion Center Drive

Room : Classroom 6

Class Start at : Tue, 07-May-2024, 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Special Instructions :

Course Description

Understanding Social Security and Retirement Income Planning

What you will learn

As retirement approaches, one of the most significant financial choices you'll face is determining when to commence receiving your Social Security retirement benefits. In an era where traditional pensions are becoming increasingly rare, Social Security stands out as a pivotal source of dependable, lifelong retirement income for the majority of Americans. Therefore, it is crucial to invest the time in examining your available options and making a well-informed, thoughtful decision.

Retirement income planning is a comprehensive process aimed at gauging the financial requirements for your retirement years, enabling you to maintain the desired lifestyle during this phase of life. The essence of this process lies in strategically positioning your assets to generate the necessary income. While there is no universal "one-size-fits-all" plan, there are actionable steps you can take to enhance the likelihood of achieving a financially secure retirement.

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