Fair Oaks, CA #4963 Chapter Directors

Bradley DeHaven

Chapter President

Bradley V. DeHaven is a Financial Advisor in Fair Oaks, in the Sacramento, CA area. Brad’s clients span most of Northern CA. Brad has been licensed Series 7, & 63 since 1983 and obtained his Securities Registered Principal license, Series 24 in 2005. Brad also has his CA Insurance license. Some of Brad’s clients are three generations deep and he is proud to call them friends as well as clients.

Brad truly enjoys helping families plan for their future financial needs with predictable sustainable income planning. Brad believes that keeping current on the ever-evolving array of investment products is essential when servicing your clients’ diverse needs. Knowledge is power and helping people better understand their personal financial picture and options is of paramount importance. Brad is also the former Host of the radio program; Annuity Mythology.

Brad has been married for 39 years to Lisa who he met in High School. Together they have two sons, Brandon and Bryce, who are both married. Brad and Lisa are blessed with 3 grandchildren, Beau, Avery and Luca.

Brad is also the Author of two books regarding prescription drug abuse and addiction. Brad is a public Speaker and an Activist for education, awareness and reform. His family’s darkest moments lead to a passion to help others better understand addiction, and how innocently it can begin.

In addition to Brad’s two books; Defining Moments and The Addict Among Us, Brad has written many articles for recovery publications and has been interviewed on FOX, ABC, NBC, CBS, and Huff Post as well as in print and radio. Brad has appeared in two documentaries on the subject.  Brad has talked with hundreds of parents and addicts through his advocacy and also as the former Host of the radio show; Afflicted By Addiction. Brad’s son celebrated 12 years clean from drug addiction which began with a prescription for a broken arm and nearly cost him his life.